Switch Component in React Router
Routing is one of the major parts of React Js application and it needs to be perfect so it will display proper results to the end-user.
First, we will check how normal route works
import {BrowserRouter as Router,Route,withRouter,Switch,Link,hashHistory,} from "react-router-dom";import Home from "./Components/Home";import Vegetables from "./Components/vegetables";import Flowers from "./Components/Flowers";function App() {return (<div><h1>React Application</h1><Router><ul><li><Link to="/">Home</Link></li><li><Link to="/vegetables">Vegetables</Link></li><li><Link to="/flowers">Flowers</Link></li></ul><Route exact path="/" component={Home}></Route><Route path="/vegetables" component={Vegetables}></Route><Route path="/flowers" component={Flowers}></Route></Router></div>);}export default App;
In this way, the application will go through all the routes and display the output which happens to be a problem. Even after a matching route is encountered it will still check for the next route. This is redundant and affects the performance. For justification will render /vegetable route twice
<Route exact path="/" component={Home}></Route><Route path="/vegetables" component={Vegetables}></Route><Route path="/flowers" component={Flowers}></Route><Route path="/vegetables" component={Home}></Route>
In the above example, the route checked /vegetables and it found it once still down and found another one after /flowers which return Home component.
There will be a possibility that the developer writes the same route more than once or has more routes that may cause performance issues.
To overcome this issue we can use the switch route
<Router><ul><li><Link to="/">Home</Link></li><li><Link to="/vegetables">Vegetables</Link></li><li><Link to="/flowers">Flowers</Link></li></ul><Switch> <Route exact path="/" component={Home}></Route> <Route path="/vegetables" component={Vegetables}></Route> <Route path="/flowers" component={Flowers}></Route> <Route path="/vegetables" component={Home}></Route></Switch></Router>
As we know the feature of switch syntax, it will stop proceeding once it will find a match. Same thing happens over here. Even we pass Home component twice with /vegetables route, it will return only once and stop proceeding afterwards.
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